
Plantas Utiles 6.4

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Plantas Utiles


Comprehensive database of useful plants

Plantas Utiles - Download 6.4

Download Plantas Utiles 6.4

2.26 MB
Phytotherapy, pharmacognosy, alternative therapies (homeopathy, Bach flowers, etc.)., ethnobotany and other related topics, herbalists, botanists, naturopaths, nurseries, or simply plant enthusiasts interested in farming, gardening, ecology or even the nature photography, will get the most out of this program and will have a tool for cataloging or to collect the desired information about plants.

The main file has specific windows for different plants and data sources.

The graphic file (available in detail list mode and image display mode), also incorporates a function to display two images simultaneously facilitating the comparison between two species.

It has fields for assignment of: species, authorship of the chart and caption, and a box to enable a user customized selection of images.

The most practical way to study and discover the properties of plants around us. Download it now from our servers quickly and securely.
Un Millon de Utilidades informs that Plantas Utiles 6.4 should be only used in accordance with the rules of intellectual property and the existing Criminal Code. The inclusion of any keygen, serial or crack is not allowed and disclaims any liability for the inappropriate use of this software. production